Praise Reports

Praise Reports

“Releasing Gods Blessings up on your life”

Hi Claudia, i met you last year when my Dad was dieing of brain cancer. I brought the whole family and more out to woodland hills for Divine Mercy Sunday with Father Sears.

I just wanted to share some of the fruits that have come from the original meeting and invitation to last years Divine Mercy Feast Day.

My Dad died May 5th but much healing in the family occurred up to his death and continues. We have started healing masses in our parish from the inspiration of the healing events our Lord puts on through you. Know that you are blessed and touch so many others. God bless you on your birthday and through out the year.
God Bless,
M. C.

Answer to ministry intercession:

Dear God,

I want to thank You for answering our Prayers.
My brother Jaime Vilbar and his co-seafarers were able
to pass the Somalian waters safely.




Hi Claudia,

I just want to let you know that I have really appreciated this year
attending the healing services that you put on. I know it is a lot of work
for you and I thank you for taking the time to do it. I look forward to the
coming year and hope that you also have a good group of priests line up for
the services.
Thank you for all you do and continue to do in Jesus’ Name.

Sincerely, Cassie


Answer to Divine Mercy intercession prayer:

Dear Claudia,
I wanted to thank you for your prayers that I would find a job after almost 8 months of looking. I finally got a job with a company that I will be using my talents and knowledge, repairing ATM machines. So I thank you again and I will be praying for you and others that they will receive Christ Divine Mercy as I have.
Sincerely Bill Hippach

Dear Apostles of Divine Mercy

I just wanted to express my feelings about the beautiful service held last night July 27th. 2005
It was so uplifting and at the same time I felt the mercy of the Lord and the flow of his grace upon everyone in the church.

The pictures shown on the wall of his passion were incredible
and helped me to contemplate the outpouring of his compassion and divine mercy he offers
by the terrible sufferings He endured on the cross.

I felt so close to the Lord and so blessed for what He endured and accomplished on the cross for our salvation.
Thank you and God bless all of you!

Jeanne Berry


Divine Mercy at St. Frances of Rome

was beautiful, wonderful, very spiritual.

There is not enough words to explain

how blessed I was to be there.

Thanks, God bless, Lourdes


Mother of Mercy praise reports

Dear Claudia,

I have St. Faustina’s Diary and find it very comforting in difficult times.

I was going through an exceeding painful day on Wednesday and came to the Mother of Mercy event….and

I am so grateful I did. The program didn’t seem like a program – it seemed like a reality. The reality of God’s ocean of mercy.

I found myself crying throughout the program. When the time for prayer came, I came up with such a need and was reaching out to God with all of my heart, because I truly needed a touch from heaven. The relic of St. Faustina had such a prescense of God, that it felt like the sweetest peace from heaven came all around me, then through me. It seemed like angel wings were assisting me as a melted to the floor. Then the Lord opened my heart and released me from a great deal of the pain. When I went back to my seat, I looked at the right hand side of the altar and I saw two small size angel wings, like a cherub, move back and forth. They looked so real – just like everything else we see. I told Sister Marie Perpitua who was sitting in back of me what I saw. The “Ocean of Mercy” continued to minister to me for the rest of the service.

Thanks be to God who is so rich in mercy.

In Christ’s Love,

Elaine Glidewell


Dear Apostles of Divine Mercy

On July7, 2004, my sister and I went to worship and give praises and thanksgiving to our Lord at St. Mel Church. It was a very uplifting and joyous experience. The hymns and songs of praises are wonderful and easy to follow. I felt the presence of the Lord in our midst, especially during the veneration of the Blessed Sacrament.

I pray that God will continue to bless and empower you and your ministry.

Love in Jesus Christ,

Cory Dizon